Day 24

How does one go about finding a PT to come to your home and set up a program on your personal equipment?  This has stumped me for awhile. I think maybe I could motivate myself if I knew what I was doing was correct.  So many exercises and everyone likes their routine and their equipment.  So many books with different workouts.     


I have had it with the medication and feeling exhausted all the time.  I feel so fat today and could barely get in my “old” jeans.   I therefore have stopped this horrid medication.  We will see what happens.  I was only supposed to be on it for 30 to 60 days so I do not feel bad stopping it. 


I dropped Brooklyn off this morning and came home and cleaned up after him a bit.  Toys everywhere and bits of fluff from chewed toys.  His sole desire is to get the plastic squeaker out of the inside of any toy given to him.  He is a little stinker.  I can pick up great toys for only a buck or two at the Dollar Tree and Walgreens. 


I am tired but WILL go to the Farmers Market tomorrow morning early to get some fresh veggies and some Basil.  Monday is a new week and no dog!  That should free me up some time. 


I am enjoying relaxing. I have gone through some cookbooks and magazines looking for some new exciting clean foods.  I really am craving muffins or bread.  I have the wheat flour so I now just need a clean recipe.  I just hope I do not go wild and eat them all.  I think if I find a recipe I will just freeze half of them.  Maybe I will send some to TNT Man. 


Again tonight I just started throwing things in the pan and again it was great.  So much food for one person.  I will see how it freezes.  Will be eating it tomorrow and maybe Monday.  I have to start taking one pound packages of ground turkey and splitting them in half so I do not make so much food. 


I really am interested in making homemade pizza dough.  I saw a recipe using a form of pesto for the sauce.  Sounds interesting. 


For those of you who do not know, I collect cookbooks and love reading them and looking for new recipes.  Over the years I have found a lot of good things to make.  I do not buy cookbooks much anymore, only special ones.  I found a recipe for guacamole which used peas to stretch it.  What a way to get some veggies in there. 


Corn, I love, not a great veggie.  Watermelon, I love, not a great fruit.  I hate squash.  I think it is a texture thing.  Going to try shredding it and adding it to foods so I am not getting so big a mouthful.  I am starting to eat more broccoli, putting Fox Point Seasoning on and it tastes better.  Cooking it longer makes it taste better also. I am going to buy some butter lettuce.  I have never tried that and will see if I like it.  On to more and more new foods.  I remember the dish I made for my dad, all veggies in a tomato broth.  He would ask me to make two batches, one to eat and one to freeze.  I always wished I could eat veggies like he did.  I think my mom was the reason as kids growing up we did not eat such a huge variety.  She probably did not know how to prepare them.  I am thankful for him giving me great eating habits so I could teach my kids how to eat cleaner.  I think him growing up on a farm had a lot to do with it. 


Well, I think I will continue reading some books and just relax the rest of today. Tomorrow is a busy day.  Must get this office desk cleaned off so I can put it on Craigs list.  I am trying to slowly get my office in order so I can paint and redo it.  I spend so much time here I want it to be nice.  This red carpet is killing me.  The primary color heart curtains are killing me.  Yep, this used to be a kids room. 


Okay, everyone.  I hope you are having a great weekend.   Thanks for listening to me ramble. 


“Excuses are like armpits:  Everybody has them and most stink.  Believe in yourself and don’t let anything stand in the way of attaining your dreams.”

~John Basedow 

4 Responses to Day 24

  1. cgd63 says:

    I belong to a gym. Buy 10 one hour sessions with the gym’s top Personal trainer. At the end of the 10 weeks – he gives me a plan to move ahead. I follow that for a couple of months and then buy another series of lessons. If you go to my Blog – you will see the RT program I am presently following. I actually had to ask him questions once I got it – since I did not fully understand how to do certain of the exercises.

    There are plenty of PTs who will come to your home. Some charge more – some less – the key is to know their qualifications and certifications. The deal you make is the one you want to pay for – X number of lessons with a written plan of action at the end.

    Research it – the way you research a receipe.

    Good Luck

    TNT Man

  2. cgd63 says:


    Login in to your Blog as if to write a post. Go to options. Check “Membership: Users must be registered and logged in to comment.” That way outsiders should not be able to get into your blog – just Challengers. – I believe.

    I did not open the link – never open a link I am not familiar with.

  3. cgd63 says:

    and in Privacy Options: “I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors.”

  4. dynamics says:

    Thank you so much for your help! Got it set up now.

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