Doctor Update

November 18, 2008

I went to the doctor today and he is ordering me a home exercise kit for my shoulder and arm.  Seems I will always have problems when using my shoulder in certain ways. i.e.: heavy housework.  However, I have a machine and creams that will help tremendously.  I will continue getting better than I am now.  I love my Doctor.  He is the best.


So I will keep working out and pushing myself a little bit more.  Once I get the kit it will be of greater help.


I have to eat breakfast and get to work.  Have a great day everyone.     


Each patient ought to feel somewhat the better after the physician’s visit, irrespective of the nature of the illness. 

~Warfield Theobald Longcope

Day 34

November 18, 2008

Monday’s. I hate Monday’s.  Too much work and too many people are demanding.  I just want to turn off the computer and phone and do my work in peace.  What really strikes me as funny is I have an account whom is two months behind and they had the audacity to expect me to drop my normal work and do theirs.  Not this girl!!

So, I finally found a happy medium on working out my upper.  It is getting easier.  I have a doctor’s appointment in the morning.  We will see how far I have progressed.  I am hoping he will tell me why I still cannot raise my arms over shoulder level.  I am getting better and stronger but not there yet.  I feel very round.  I stopped the medication but seem to have grown since stopping the medicine, which has me, very confused.  Can hardly get my jeans buttoned.

Some day, some day, someone will figure out how to get it right.  It is so frustrating to try and try and try and not lose weight.  I am glad I am on this 52DC or I think I might have thrown in the towel again.  I will stick with this until the end.  I need to work harder on my RT, everything else is looking great.  I need to learn the lower extremity routine and maybe that will help.  I have been doing a few things with the free weights, which also seems to help.

Baseball mom gave me a recipe for “blueberry muffins.”  They were fantastic.  My mom stopped by today and took them.  She eats a lot of fast food and junk.  She does not like wheat and will not even eat wheat bread.  She hates yogurt.  My dad used to eat plain yogurt with sea kelp, gross.  What a memory.  My mom was from Minnesota and I remember many casseroles until my dad got sick. You know the kind with cream of something soup in everything.  My dad ate very healthy.  He used to do the juice thing and tons of vitamins.  Rose hips tea with honey.  Fresh veggies from the garden.  Something worked because my dad kicked his cancer by eating this way.   One of the worst cancers around and he kicked it.  I am glad he taught me how to eat right.

My youngest daughter had my mom and my other daughter over for dinner at her new apartment.  Her very first apartment by herself.  Just her and Brooklyn, the dog.  She is a vegetarian and I was not quite sure what she was going to make.  She made a delicious soup with chick‑a‑peas, which I do not like, and topped with dumplings.  I had tried chick‑a‑peas in a green salad once and they were gross.  I have never tried them since.  The soup was delicious and the beans were good. They soaked up some of the broth and seasonings I suppose.  We had a green salad and bread.  I passed up the bread to keep it clean.  We had apple crisp for desert.  Green apples, oatmeal and cinnamon.  Yummy.

Have a great day everyone.

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? 

~Author Unknown

I asked my vegetarian daughter this question and this was her response…

“No.  But I do eat gold fish, and feel guilty every time.”


Shipping is a terrible thing to do to vegetables.  They probably get jet-lagged, just like people. 

~Elizabeth Berry


Soup is liquid comfort. 

~Author Unknown